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The Bent Knee Time – September 11


 Matthew 5:10-16

Salt keeps things from smelling bad and from being bad. It preserves. It works unseen. You know of its presence or absence by smell and taste. Light preserves, too, and makes the way plain. Neither of them ever talks about what it’s doing. It just does. That’s its nature. We’re to be salt and light to the crowd we touch through the Jesus fife in us. And the crowd’s quick to recognize saltless salt and rayless light.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 08


Daniel 1:8-20

So much hinges on a single thing. Daniel was given a keen, understanding mind. He knew that he could keep it so or lose it. So knowing, he chose to be careful in his habits of life. “Pulse” for Daniel meant thoughtful moderation, self-control, which must have characterized all his round of life. Dainties may seem a small item, but Daniel would not sell his birthright of keenness and strength for a mess of dainties.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 07


Romans 12:21; Rom_13:1-10

The Christ spirit is the overcoming spirit. And the Christ spirit in control always means evil overcome. Indifference to evil strengthens it. Evil for evil intensifies the evil. Good for evil cuts at the very foundations of evil, and so not only overcomes, but undercuts it. Evil cannot progress where it meets the love spirit. It is only as love controls that one can hold steady. Love—pure, steady, winsome, aggressive, undiscourageable—evil can’t stand that.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 06


Ephesians 5:15-21

We must be keenly on the lookout for every opportunity to put in a bit of word or work that will count for Jesus, and so against evil. And when there is no opportunity, make one, persistently, boldly, but always tactfully. “Redeeming the time” is literally “cornering the market.” That is, get in before the devil, and get hold and don’t let go. Our Lord Jesus has redeemed all things. In his Name we take what he has bought.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 05


Ephesians 5:6-14

The Christian can go anywhere, as the Holy Spirit leads, but only for the purpose of carrying the light, either directly or indirectly. Wherever the light is carried, it overcomes the darkness. Darkness can’t stand the light. Try it with a match in a dark room. It stays only where the light does not shine. W7hen the Light of the world—Jesus—is allowed to shine out through us. the darkness of evil is always overcome.