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The Bent Knee Time – October 31


 Romans 14:13-23

If a thing’s doubtful it isn’t doubtful for the man who would ring true. If there’s a question mark on a habit or a custom or anything, that should rule it out instanter. The thing may be wrong, then the case is clear. It may not be wrong; but it may, possibly. Then it belongs out. No one cares to eat a doubtful egg. When in doubt, don’t is the only safe rule for him who would be true at any cost.

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The Bent Knee Time – October 30


Genesis 25:27-34

Sin teeters things over, out of poise. Its fever steals away self-control; simple, strong trust in God under every circumstance holds us steady and content. Selfish longing for material advantage beyond his fair share led Jacob to tempt his brother. Bodily hunger, uncontrolled, made Esau underrate a sacred trust. Both lost control. Both had bad diseases, very contagious; epidemic still, everywhere. Poise—rarest of all rare things— comes through Jesus’ control strong in the life.

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The Bent Knee Time – October 27


 Matthew 19:3-9

Sin has broken God’s Eden plan of marriage. And a bad break it is, too. Sexual conditions are always an index to general moral condition throughout history and around the world. And divorce is an unfailing index finger to general sexual conditions. Christ’s plain teaching was clearly against any breaking of the marriage tie. God’s grace and power, with prayer and patience, are equal to any situation or emergency, however difficult. So only can there be victory in the life.

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The Bent Knee Time – October 26


1 Corinthians 7:10-17

Nowhere is it so essential that God be given full place, and his own plan full sway as in the sweetest and most serious of all relationships—that between husband and wife, the holy of holies of human life. He makes us fellow-creators with himself in life’s most sacred relationship. We should be controlled here, never by mere sense of pleasure, but only by the same strong purpose that controls his creative power.

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The Bent Knee Time – October 25


 Ephesians 5:22-33

Leadership and co-operation are absolutely essential in action. Man has been given the duty of leadership in the action of life; woman co-operation with him in his leadership and responsibility. They are bound together by the strongest of ties—love. There should be no rivalry nor competition, but the constant fellowship of strong, thoughtful, matured and maturing, restraining, and sacrificial love. Only love makes strong life. So each does the best and is the best and gives the best.