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The Bent Knee Time – April 19


Mark 9:19-29

But Jesus never failed anybody yet. The evil spirit fled like a whipped cur at his word. The demonized boy was released from his sore bondage. The broken-hearted father, relieved, overjoyed, hurried home with the boy to his mother. The critical, sneering crowd was forced to recognize the unmatched power of Jesus. It was the close touch with his Father, insisted upon, that turned the disciples’ dismal failure into sweeping victory.

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Daily Memory Verse – April 18

Isaiah 9:6  For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  

Think about these questions as you meditate on the verse. What does this verse teach me? How does this verse apply to my Life?

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The Bent Knee Time – April 18


Mark 9:11-18

People expect much of Jesus’ followers. They class us with him. What he did we can do, they think. They come to us expectantly, when we least think it. Without saying so, they bring their needs to us, their difficulties, temptations, hungry hearts, themselves. They expect something. They have a right to, too. Are we jailing them? and Jesus? and ourselves? Then they quit expecting if they find we haven’t anything. That’s the worst failure of all.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 17


Mark 9:2-10

Jesus was thinking of the sore test ahead for his disciples when he would go to the cross. So now he quietly drew aside the garment of his humanity and let the God within look out into their faces. And they never forgot. Peter denied, but he came back. John went in “with Jesus” that terrible betrayal night. James was among the first to give up life for his Master. We, too, need to see Jesus’ glory.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 14


Psalms 63:1-11

When a man has a heart-to-heart talk alone with God daily, he’s pretty apt to talk, with both life and lip, in the crowd for God. Keep the inner heart touch with God fresh, and the outer touches are sure to be true and winsome. The outer hinges on the inner. Your prayer-contacts control your contact with your fellows, and with commonplace things. The knees decide the language of the lips.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 13


1Kings 18:30-39

The test must come. And it does. Every day brings it anew. A man must line up and show his colors. Satan is aggressive. Sin forces the issue. Selfishness knocks loud at the door daily. They push in, and demand space and recognition, and get it, too. Jesus earnestly asks that we be true to him. We should let the colors fly in home, and shop, and school, tactfully, graciously, but unmistakably.