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The Bent Knee Time – April 26


Matthew 20:20-28

Human love needs seasoning and tempering, refining and broadening, by the higher, deeper original love, the love of the heart of God. The stronger the human love, like a mother’s, the truer this is. So it gets the clearer vision, the stronger purpose, the finer sacrificial traits of the God-love. And so whatever selfishness may have crept in, sometimes unconsciously, is burned out, and the love is sweeter yet when it gives instead of asking.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 25


Mark 9:43-50

Selfishness is so ingrained in the human fiber that its cure takes fourfold treatment: a knife, a fluid, a fire, and salt. The knife of a strong purpose to cut it out; the blood of Jesus to wash it out; the fire of the Holy Spirit to burn it out; and the salt of the Book brooded over, and of the Spirit’s indwelling, to spoil the soil so it has a hard time sprouting again.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 24


Mark 9:30-42

Selfishness is the smoother way of spelling Satan. That sounds a bit rough; but it’s true. The inner core of Satan is preferring himself to yes, even to God; wanting everything for himself. Selfishness may be cultured and scholarly and polished (it’s surprising how a coarse thing takes a high polish). Or, it may be coarse and brazen and open. But scratch it; and you always find underneath the hooked Satan fingers reaching and holding.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 21


2King 4:27-37

When prayer takes hold of all there is of you, you can take hold of all you will through prayer. But prayer isn’t saying religious words with your eyes shut and a terminal “amen” attached. Real prayer is a life. It begins as an act. It grows into a habit, then into a mental attitude. Then it becomes your very life. Then the man becomes the prayer. Such prayer can raise the dead, even now, into real life.

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The Bent Knee Time – April 20


Luke 9:30-37

Prayer-touch with the Father—daily, open- hearted, honest, unhurried, intimate, reverent touch—this is the secret of every needed thing. If we’d go to school daily to God, with the open Book, and learn how to pray, confidently, intelligently, like a child in simplicity, like a man in maturity, nothing could resist our touch. The life would be transfigured, and the service marked with God’s own subtle, fragrant touch.