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The Bent Knee Time – June 27


Matthew 15:29-38

Jesus sets us actually free by his own transfiguring presence. With his blood he purges out the sin that enslaves. By his Spirit he kindles his own fires on the hearthstone of our hearts, and the flames burn up the bonds of selfishness and prejudice. His own presence mellows and then molds, constantly, patiently, quietly, until we are transfigured from the hurt of sin back to his own image. Our part is the full, thoughtful, habitual yielding to him.

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The Bent Knee Time – June 26


Psalms 2:1-12

The quarter’s title tells the whole story: Jesus, that’s the man, our brother, who shared our experiences, and can sympathize; Christ, that’s the “anointed one,” the chosen of the Father to make real his great ideal for man; Redeemer, that’s our kinsman who gave his blood to buy us back out of sin’s slavery; Lord, that’s the one who comes in to hold sweet mastery in our personal lives. And our, that ties him and us hard together.

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The Bent Knee Time – June 23


1Corinthians 15:50-58

It’s natural to shrink from death. Death’s an enemy. It’s unnatural. But when Jesus is allowed sway in our hearts, there’s victory over the enemy. He fills us so full of himself and keeps us so busy telling others of him, that the fear is clean crowded out. We shall sing, because of Jesus, even when death comes closest. Then some day the full victory will come, and death itself will be put to death.

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The Bent Knee Time – June 22


1 Corinthians 15:1-11

The disciples had no doubt about Jesus having risen. They were walking along the country road, sitting at the supper table, gathered in the sitting-room of that Jerusalem home, in the boat on Galilee’s blue waters: each time they were talking about him but hadn’t any thought of his being there. Then, each time, they found him in their midst. Even so he is with us as we are talking and thinking of him. Let’s recognize his presence.

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The Bent Knee Time – June 21


John 21:15-25

Peter had lost his footing. Jesus had died; that had stunned him. He had risen; that had stupefied him with joy. But he didn’t know what to do. Then, after failing at his old job, there’s a sight of Jesus, there’s obedience to his command, and the talk about love. These are the things we need: a vision of Jesus, empowered, in our midst; a spirit of obedience to him; a heart of tender love in all our personal contacts.