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The Bent Knee Time – September 20


Psalms 1:1-6

You can’t grow strong on “nots,” but you won’t grow strong without them. The presence of evil makes you line up and leave some things out. The best way to get and keep them out is to fill the life chock-full of the Positives. Chew the cud of the Book. Keep your roots deep in the living waters. Breathe the wholesome air of His presence. There’ll be no room for anything that oughtn’t to be there.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 19


Matthew 5:3-10

We are not responsible for fruits in life, nor for results in service; only for keeping true in life and faithful in service—true and faithful to Him. Then he’ll flood the “blesseds” in thick and fast. We’re to practice walking on our knees, keep a sharp appetite for his food, yield to the pruning knife in his hand, and never get out of the dew and sunlight of his presence. He attends to fruits and results.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 18


Matthew 25:14-30

The vine doesn’t try to bear grapes: it can’t help it. It drinks in dew and rain and air, eats up soil food, basks in sunlight, yields without a flinch to pruning knife, and to restraining cord, and to the acid spraying of the gardener. Then the grapes come; they must; they can’t help coming. If we’ll be as natural as the vine, and as sensible, we’ll bear grapes too. And the whole process is in that word “abide.”

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Daily Memory Verse – September 15

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Think about these questions as you meditate on the verse. What does this verse teach me? How does this verse apply to my Life?

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The Bent Knee Time – September 15


John 4:4-15

Are you a “weir” Christian, or a “spring” Christian? The woman said “this well” She was thinking of a hole and a bucket and a lot of work to get the water up. Jesus really said “spring,” that is, a living, bubbling fountain that couldn’t be held down or back. It’s better to be a “well” Christian than none at all. It’s best to let Jesus be the living spring within, ever bubbling up with the eternal quality of life.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 14


Philippians 2:5-16

When the Jesus spirit is allowed to control us, then the mind or disposition that was in him will be found in us. We are told what he was like. We are asked to be like him. There is just the one way to do it—yielding thoughtfully, intelligently, strongly, to the Spirit’s gracious control. Then the daily quiet corner with the Book, the inner ear trained to hear, the outer life held true—these lead to Christlikeness.