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The Bent Knee Time – October 04


 Acts 7:1-8

The one unfailing quantity in life, and the only one, is—what? Banks fail, even with the Government guarantee back of them. Investments prove utterly unprofitable sometimes. Friends? Yes, they fail too, for lack of strength when not for lack of love. By the time a man gets the figure four at the beginning of his age, he finds that every thing and every one has failed sometime, with the rare exceptions that prove the truth of the statement. But God, Jesus—never yet.

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Daily Memory Verse – October 03

Isaiah 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.  

Think about these questions as you meditate on the verse. What does this verse teach me? How does this verse apply to my Life?

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The Bent Knee Time – October 03


Genesis 17:1-8

God has his plan for each life. He needs us in his plan for the world. He asks for the use of our lives. He proposes a working agreement. It’s something quite apart from salvation. It’s the use of our lives in his great purpose in the earth. And the one condition that he requires is that we follow fully, not only in our choice of right, but in our choice of his plans.

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The Bent Knee Time – October 02


Genesis 12:1-9

The call was clear. Abram had no doubt about it. It wasn’t an easy call to follow. He could have stayed where he was and worshiped the true God in the midst of idolatry. That would have been a good thing to do in itself. But it wasn’t the God-thing. His soul would have been saved, but his life lost, his opportunity gone, and gone forever. Is your life being saved? or only your soul?

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The Bent Knee Time – September 29


Psalms 119:97-105

Eating, breathing, sleeping, exercising— this is the common road to bodily health and vigor. Food, air, rest, activity—this is the road to Christian growth and vigor: the food of the Word well chewed; the fresh air of the Holy Spirit breathed habitually; the rest of trusting God confidently, unquestioningly, in tight corners and everywhere else; the lending a warm, helping hand unstintingly to others. It’s an old road, and it leads straight to the goal.

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The Bent Knee Time – September 28


 Psalms 119:9-16

God talks in the old Book. He talks out of the Book to us. Then we want to talk with him. Bible study is the listening side of prayer. He draws out our praise and love. He encourages us to ask definitely and expect confidently. Then we do as he asks. And then he can do as we ask. Obedience is keeping the door open to God. And he uses every door that is open.