Psalm 25:14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will shew them his covenant.
Think about these questions as you meditate on the verse. What does this verse teach me? How does this verse apply to my Life?
Matthew 19:3-9
Sin has broken God’s Eden plan of marriage. And a bad break it is, too. Sexual conditions are always an index to general moral condition throughout history and around the world. And divorce is an unfailing index finger to general sexual conditions. Christ’s plain teaching was clearly against any breaking of the marriage tie. God’s grace and power, with prayer and patience, are equal to any situation or emergency, however difficult. So only can there be victory in the life.
1 Corinthians 7:10-17
Nowhere is it so essential that God be given full place, and his own plan full sway as in the sweetest and most serious of all relationships—that between husband and wife, the holy of holies of human life. He makes us fellow-creators with himself in life’s most sacred relationship. We should be controlled here, never by mere sense of pleasure, but only by the same strong purpose that controls his creative power.
Ephesians 5:22-33
Leadership and co-operation are absolutely essential in action. Man has been given the duty of leadership in the action of life; woman co-operation with him in his leadership and responsibility. They are bound together by the strongest of ties—love. There should be no rivalry nor competition, but the constant fellowship of strong, thoughtful, matured and maturing, restraining, and sacrificial love. Only love makes strong life. So each does the best and is the best and gives the best.
Genesis 2:18-24
The true unit of society is not a man or a woman, but a man and a woman joined in heart by the touch of God’s own hand. Each fits into and complements the other. There’s a chosen Adam awaiting every Eve, and a choice Eve being prepared for each Adam. But only God’s fatherly hand can bring them together, and knit them into one. This is where God’s hand should have fullest control if there’s to be a new Eden for each two.
Genesis 24:57-67
Mating-time is life’s sweetest time thus far, and life’s most serious. A slip there is the most serious of all mistakes. God’s plan for his saviour-nation hinged on Isaac’s getting the right helpmate. So he plans each life, and each union of lives. So he’ll bring his Isaac to each Rebekah, and his Rebekah to each Isaac. But we must hold true to our ideals, and to him, and keep steady during the waiting-time.