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The Bent Knee Time – December 01


Psalms 105:1-22

“Providence” means that God sees ahead how things are going, and that he sees to it that nothing will hurt his trusting, obedient child. Jesus’ one concern in the Wilderness wasn’t about starving, but to keep true. The Father would attend to the bread in good time, even if he had to send angels. If we see to it that we obey faithfully and intelligently, God will see to it that all comes out well.

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The Bent Knee Time – November 30


Colossians 3:18-25;  Colossians 4:1

The love spirit lives true wherever it is, and whatever the relationship. We should be rightly eager to make the most of life’s opportunities, but whether one is slave or master, employee or employer, in hidden away corner or in the limelight, the thing that matters most is this: being true and pure just where we are, and, with this, being patiently, gently, thoughtfully loving in all personal contacts. So Jesus did, and so we should and may.

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The Bent Knee Time – November 29


Genesis 37:9-17

Dreams and visions are pretty much relegated to a dreamy, visionary, unpractical realm with us Western Hemisphere people, and quite rightly, as a rule. Yet there may be, with the earnest, thoughtful Christian, the cultivation of a sane, quiet sensitiveness of spirit toward God which enables us to discern ahead in spirit how things should go, and how they will turn out, and what decisions should be made. It is God’s touch guiding and helping us keep true.

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The Bent Knee Time – November 28


Genesis 37:1-8

Goodness arouses the bad in those that are bad. A piece of red-hot iron plunged into cold water makes a lively disturbance. A true Christian, living a true, consistent life, lovingly, in the common round of life, will arouse antagonisms. Jesus’ mere presence in the world stirred up the greatest demon activity on record. The thing is to keep strongly, steadily on being true and pure and gentle, in spite of opposition, and avoid extremes.

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The Bent Knee Time – November 27


Genesis 37:18-28

What a horrid brood it is, this serpent’s ugly brood of hate—envy, jealousy, bitterness, lying, heartlessness, cruelty, slavery, if need be, murder; the milk of human brotherliness and filial affection curdled thick and sour with the sharp acid of hell; vipers poisonous brooded of vipers venomous! Horrible! the only safe thing is to strangle the smallest beginning before it gets born. And the only antidote is love, but the real thing, God’s own love in us.